The 10th GTI Energy Board Meeting back to back with the ESCAP-GTI Seminar on Energy Cooperation in North-East Asia: Capacity Building for Effective Power Interconnection Cooperation was held on 18-19 August 2022 in the format of a video conference. The event was successfully organized with the support from UNESCAP East and North-East Asia Office as the co-organizer, as well as the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation as the chair of GTI Energy Board.
This year, ESCAP-GTI Seminar reviewed the ongoing capacity building programmes in Asia Pacific and East and North-East Asia, and experts shared the research on GTI member country’s readiness for effective power interconnection cooperation followed by country presentations. Also, the progress on North-East Asia Green Power Corridor Roadmap as well as the update on North-East Asia Green Power Corridor Modelling were presented, then members exchanged comments on the progress of both projects.
Under the main theme of GTI Regional Energy Landscape, the 10th GTI Energy Board Meeting reviewed the progress and achievements of GTI activities in the energy sector, the recent policy and the progress of regional energy cooperation of each GTI member country with a focus on Development Drivers of Advanced Regional Energy System in the Post COVID-19 Period. The participants reviewed the draft report on Capacity Building Needs Assessment for Effective Power Interconnection Cooperation in North-East Asia as well as the following project timeline with satisfaction.
Furthermore, members supported the initial plan to organize the GTI Workshop on Distributed Generation and Hydrogen Economy in spring 2023, and the new project idea on Fair and Affordable Energy as the Determinant of Sustainable Development - Exploring Causality Between Development and Energy Inclusion, and approved the GTI Energy Work Plan for 2022-2023. Lastly but not the least, Mongolia assumed the Chairmanship of the GTI Energy Board.
Annex: Presentations from members on regional energy cooperation focusing on Development Drivers of Advanced Regional Energy System in the Post COVID-19 Period
(Mongolia) Ms. Sondor Tsogt (Cooperation Officer, Foreign Cooperation Division, Department of Policy Planning, Ministry of Energy) introduced the current situation in the Mongolian energy sector and development projects under the New Recovery Policy. She began with the importance of the New Recovery Policy and how it can reduce the negative impact on the economy caused by the global epidemic, promptly address development barriers and expand the economic foundation, and eventually, effectively implement the “Vision-2050” long-term development policy of Mongolia. Then, she shared the data and information on the national energy sector and pointed out the difficult situations Mongolia has faced, such as the aging infrastructure and lack of backup equipment. To deal with these problems, in the New Recovery Policy, five goals[1] of energy recovery were proposed and 13 measures and 22 development projects were planned. Of these development projects, 6 are going to expand the capacity of existing cogeneration or combined heat and power plants (CHPS), 5 projects are to build new energy sources, 7 are power substation, distribution and transmission grids projects, 4 are environmentally friendly power projects based on science and advanced technologies. The implementation of these projects will fully meet the goals and objectives of the first phase of the “Vision-2050” long-term development policy of Mongolia at the 2030 level. For example, Mongolia will double the installed capacity of energy sources, double the length of the transmission networks, maintain economic growth at an average of 6% per year, and contribute to doubling the national income capita.
(China) Mr. Bao Weining (Engineer, International Department, China Electric Power Planning & Engineering Institute) mentioned that China dedicates to participating in the global energy transition, supporting the green and low-carbon development of energy in developing countries, and deepening industrial cooperation in renewable energy, such as promoting cooperation in wind power, solar power, energy storage, smart grid, and strengthening power grid interconnection with neighbouring countries. China actively explores effective ways to cooperate with NEA countries and multinational companies and built several green energy best practice projects with good economic benefits and strong demonstration effects. For instance, the pilot research on developing renewable energy storage equipment in southern Mongolia and transmitting power to central China, to realize the green transition of the energy system in NEA by building large-scale renewable energy bases and utilising the power source in Russia in the future to hybridize the renewable energy with traditional fossil fuel, and the undersea cable power interconnection between Korea and China under consideration and research.
(Russia) Ms. Yana Smagina emphasized the significance of expanding technological exchange for the transition to a new technological order as well as energy security in the post-pandemic era, and mentioned that Russia is interested in establishing technological cooperation with NEA neighbours. She introduced cooperation with Mongolia in the oil, gas and electricity sectors respectively: the increasing export of petroleum products to Mongolia and China, the Soyuz Vostok gas pipeline project from Russia to China through Mongolia, and the long-term cooperation in the electricity supply from Russia to the central and Western regions of Mongolia. The projects with Korea are frozen because of the geopolitical situation yet with the possibility of continuation, such as the Sakhalin-2 project for the supply of oil and LNG. For the comprehensive cooperation with China, there are 20-year LNG Sales and Purchase Agreements (SPAs) signed in April 2021 for the Arctic LNG 2 project, and oil supplies via the Skovorodino-Mohe pipeline.
(ROK) To be shared later.
[1] 1. Establish new energy sources and transmission and distribution networks, enhance their existing capacity and improve the reliability of energy production and supply; 2. Develop renewable energy facilities in an appropriate ratio; 3. Transport the energy sector into an independent financial and economic system; 4. Take actions to ensure the preparation of the high voltage aerial transmission lines and substations for connecting to the renewable energy source and network within the Northeast Asian integrated energy grid. 5. Boost the construction of a natural gas pipeline from Russia to China through the territory of Mongolia