The 6th GTI Environmental Board Meeting was held on 18 OCT 2019 in ROK.
The meeting was hosted by the Ministry of Environment, ROK and organized by the GTI Secretariat. The government officials from the GTI member countries and experts from research institutes took part in the meeting to share and discuss their insights on environmental issues for promotion of GTI environmental cooperation.
The participants shared information on the progress and achievements of the GTI and each member country’s recent environmental situation and policies. They had an in-depth discussion on how to upgrade the cooperation activities among the GTI member countries.
The participants actively exchanged opinions on the project proposals from member countries including the concept for study on climate change adaptation and mitigation based on Tumen River Estuary and training of young leaders in climate change awareness.
The 2020 Work Plan was agreed, and the China delegation accepted the chairmanship for 2020 and affirmed their commitment to successfully organizing the next Environmental Board Meeting. The GTI Secretariat will closely cooperate with China and other member countries and follow up the results of the 6th GTI Environmental Board Meeting.