Our Vision
GTI's vision is to build a great partnership for common prosperity between neighbours. We are committed to strengthening cooperation under the GTI framework to increase mutual benefit, accelerate economic growth and promote sustainable development in Northeast Asia and in particular the Greater Tumen Region.
In accordance with the GTI Strategic Action Plan (2017-2020), GTI member countries share the following strategic objectives for the period 2017 to 2020:
• Promote the rehabilitation and construction of basic transportation infrastructure and major transportation hubs to support economic cooperation and development;
• Increase the effectiveness and the efficiency of the border-crossing procedures for the movement of goods and people;
• Promote agricultural cooperation for achieving sustainable agricultural development and ensure food security in the region;
• Create a positive environment to facilitate trade and attract private sector investment in the region, and improve access to international financial institutions for both public and private sector investment;
• Promote the GTR as a globally attractive tourist destination and increase the cross-border tourist flows in the NEA;
• Establish an effective institutional mechanism for energy policy cooperation and reduce non-physical barriers to energy trade;
• Promote environmental sustainability while conducting economic activities;
• Strengthen the EXIM banks cooperation and promote cooperation with other financial institutions in the region and beyond that aim to mobilize resources to finance bankable regional projects;
• Facilitate cooperation between research institutions;
• Strengthen the partnerships with Japan and DPRK and their participation in the GTI cooperation for common prosperity in NEA including joining the GTI framework institutions;
• Improve the GTI operational capabilities for implementation of the hard projects and coordination of the member-countries policies of regional and sectoral development including development of commercial services of the GTI;
• Develop the mechanism for establishing project office under the framework of the GTI and related platform for organization of multilateral consultation process on issues and projects “of high importance”;
• Enhance the capacity of the GTI as a significant regional economic and political partnership in NEA including the efforts of legal transition and raise awareness of the GTI activities in the member-countries, and;
• Enhance the partnership with other international institutions.