The 1st National Coordinators (NC) Meeting of 2021 was held virtually on 16 June, with the participation of National Coordinators from the Member States and the representative from AIIB.
The Russian side presented the Priorities of Russia’s Chairmanship and the Way Forward to the 21st GTI CC Meeting under the impact of the COVID -19 pandemic, where NCs reviewed the priorities with satisfaction. The Chinese side announced the plan on hosting the 3rd North-east Asia Policy Dialogue on Industrial Parks (used to be GTI Policy Dialogue on Industrial Parks) this year, to better leverage free and open trade and investment towards high-level regional integration, and mentioned the related proposal to be shared accordingly. AIIB presented the overview of AIIB with thematic priorities and a summary of the investment operations, and briefed potential areas for cooperation between AIIB and GTI. Member states welcomed the proposal from AIIB for enhanced cooperation and the detailed discussion on further collaboration will be conducted accordingly between AIIB and GTI.
The members also reviewed the work progress of GTI since 20th Consultative Commission Meeting in December 2020, confirmed planned activities in 2021 with emphasis on partnership development, and approved the GTI expenditure for 2020 and budget proposal for 2021. GTI Secretariat further updated on relevant Human Resources issues.